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Sythe   Listen
Sythe, Syth  prep., adv., conj., n.  See Sith, Sithe. (Obs.)

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Sythe" Quotes from Famous Books

... day in company called kockolde; whether am I one or nat? Syr, truly, sayde she, ye be none. By my fayth (sayde he), thou shall swere so vpon this boke; and helde to her a boke. She denyed it longe; but whan she sawe there was no remedy, she sayde: well, sythe I must nedes swere, I promyse you by my faythe, I will swere truly. Yea, do so, quod he. So she toke the boke in her hande and sayd: By this boke, syr, ye be a cokolde. By the masse, hore, sayd he, thou lyest! thou sayste it for none other ...
— Shakespeare Jest-Books; - Reprints of the Early and Very Rare Jest-Books Supposed - to Have Been Used by Shakespeare • Unknown

... sholde I stody to hurt my wyt therby Or trouble my mynde with stody excessyue Sythe many ar whiche stody right besely And yet therby shall they neuer thryue The fruyt of wysdom can they nat contryue And many to stody so moche are inclynde That utterly they fall out of ...
— The Ship of Fools, Volume 1 • Sebastian Brandt

... cowld water shuld slake thurste? Me. This may well be one parte of your tale. Ogy. Thay say that the fowntayne dyd sodenly sprynge owte of the erthe at the commaundement of our lady, & I dilygently examenynge althynges, dyd aske hym how many yeres it was sythe that howsse was so sodenly broght thyther. Many yeres agone saythe he. Yet, sayde I, the wallys doo nat apere so old. He dyd nat denay it. No mor thes woden || B v.|| pyleres. He cowld nat denay but that they ...
— The Pilgrimage of Pure Devotion • Desiderius Erasmus

... sythe ytt must needes be soe, Thatt thou & I a bowtynge matche must have, Lette ytt ne breakynge of oulde friendshyppe bee, Thys ys the ...
— The Rowley Poems • Thomas Chatterton

... other cite, and forsoke Syracuse: and there bought a lytell lande, where vpon he lyued. Whan the tyran vnderstode that he hadde so done, he sent for him agayne; and whan he was come, the tyran sayde to him: syth thou haste lerned nowe to vse well thy goodes, and nat to kepe them vnprofytably, I wyll restore them all to the agayne. ...
— Shakespeare Jest-Books; - Reprints of the Early and Very Rare Jest-Books Supposed - to Have Been Used by Shakespeare • Unknown

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